Course Listings

FirstNet, Built with AT&T for first responder wireless services

Join these free, instructor-led training sessions, where you can ask questions and get answers in real-time.

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Learning about FirstNet Central

FirstNet Central is the main gateway for all FirstNet activities. Discover how to manage online accounts, create users and reports, pay bills online, purchase devices, use the Uplift Request Tool, and more!

Duration: 60 minutes

FirstNet Mobility at a Glance

We’re making it even easier to manage your FirstNet mobility online. Join this quick 20-minute tour and see the top features for managing your account, shopping, and paying your bill online.

Duration: 20 minutes

Introduction to FirstNet

The perfect course for new users! All you need to know about managing your account, shopping for new devices, and paying your bill.

Duration: 60 minutes


Managing Wireless Users

Learn how to make changes to rate plans, data plans, features, and access options, at the user level.

Duration: 30 minutes

Using the Uplift Request Tool

Uplift Managers learn how to dynamically assign priority and preemption to FirstNet users. This course shows you how Uplift works and how to set up your users efficiently.

Duration: 30 minutes


Reporting A to Z

Great for administrators who are responsible for analyzing expenses, paying bills, and managing accounts. This course will show you how to use reporting capabilities to manage users, expenses, and data usage.

Duration: 60 minutes

Switching to New Billing Reports

This 20-minute session will walk you through using the new billing reports. We will cover common scenarios and have time for Q&A.

Duration: 20 minutes